Westmorland and Furness
Older persons and disabled persons
Holders of NoWcards issued by Westmorland and Furness Council or the Borough, city or district council's of Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland receive:
- English National Concession: free off peak travel (between 9.30am and 11.00pm Monday to Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays) on local bus services throughout England .
Disabled 24/7
Holders of Disabled 24/7 NoWcards issued by Westmorland and Furness receive:
- English National Concession: free off peak travel (between 9.30am and 11.00pm Monday to Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays) on local bus services throughout England .
- Free travel before 09:30 and after 23:00 Monday to Friday on local bus journeys that start, end or are wholly within Westmorland and Furness.
More details on the Disabled 24/7 NoWcard
Off Peak Travel - Between 09:30 and 23:00 Monday to Friday, all day Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
What is a local bus service? - A local bus service would include any type of town bus service; a rural service which observes all bus stops and interurban services observing all bus stops and which may include a limited stop section of route where the distance between stops is within 15 miles (21.4 kms).
Services which observe stops over 15 miles (21.4 kms) apart are regarded as "Express services", for example National Express or Megabus.com services, and are therefore excluded from the English National Concession scheme. Some operators choose to offer a concession please contact the bus operator for further details.