
1.18 The ‘Concessionary bus travel act 2007’ specifies that TCAs must issue a travel concession permit to an eligible person whose sole or principal residence is in the authority’s area.

1.19 Concessionary travel legislation makes no reference to nationality but to “residents”. Foreign nationals living in England who have met the residency requirements of the ‘Concessionary bus travel act 2007’ would be eligible. A foreign national visitor on a short stay visa or visiting England for business or holiday is not a resident.

1.20 The concession in England is not available to those whose principal residence is overseas (or in Wales, Scotland, Ireland or Northern Ireland), whether or not the person holds a British passport.

1.21 Eligible persons who reside in more than one residence in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland should apply for a travel concession permit only with the TCA that they reside in most of the time.

Taken from the "Guidance for travel concession authorities on the England national concessionary travel scheme" published 21 December 2010.